Spain to join South Africa’s genocide case against “Israel” at ICJ


Published: 2024-06-06 11:26

Last Updated: 2024-06-28 17:32

Flags of Spain and Palestine. (Photo: Vecteezy)
Flags of Spain and Palestine. (Photo: Vecteezy)

Spain’s Foreign Ministry announced today that it will join South Africa in the genocide case filed against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Spain has submitted a declaration of intervention to support South Africa in the lawsuit, days after it announced it will officially recognize the State of Palestine, a historic decision taken along with Norway, Ireland, and Slovenia.

“We made this decision in view of the continuation of the military operation in Gaza,” said Spain’s Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares.

Spain’s Second Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz – who previously declared that Palestine will be free “from the river to the sea” – praised the decision to join the case filed at the ICJ, saying that “we [Spain] are still on the right side.”

“We are still on the right side. Taking steps to stop genocide and inspiring more and more countries to follow this path,” Diaz said on her “X” account.

Diaz also condemned the “Netanyahu genocide” that has “crossed all unimaginable limits” and called on Spain to immediately withdraw its ambassador from the Israeli Occupation.

“36,000 murdered. 16,000 boys and girls. Constant bombings in refugee camps, hospitals and schools,” Diaz said.

“Netanyahu's genocide has crossed all unimaginable borders. After the recognition of the Palestinian State, we must immediately withdraw the ambassador.”